LA RUSSIA NON RISPETTA NESSUN ACCORDO INTERNAZIONALE? Ucraina, Osce: “Osservatori militari arrestati a Donetsk e Luhansk”

Roma, 24 apr 2022 – ADNKRONOS. La denuncia dell’organizzazione internazionale. Diversi osservatori militari internazionali dell’Osce sono stati fermati nelle regioni del Donetsk e Lugansk.


A riferirlo, secondo quanto riporta la ‘Bbc’, è la stessa organizzazione internazionale. “L’Osce – afferma – è estremamente preoccupata per il fatto che un certo numero di membri delle missioni nazionali della Missione speciale di monitoraggio siano stati privati ​​della libertà a Donetsk e Luhansk”.

L’Osce sta “utilizzando tutti i canali disponibili per facilitare il rilascio del suo personale”. (Notizia di AdnKronos del 23-4-22).

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One thought on “LA RUSSIA NON RISPETTA NESSUN ACCORDO INTERNAZIONALE? Ucraina, Osce: “Osservatori militari arrestati a Donetsk e Luhansk””

  1. mah, dipende che stavano facendo … pare siano stati colti con le zampe nella marmellata

    “🇺🇦⚡ The Ukrainian authorities did not let the OSCE inspect the site of the “shelling” of a kindergarten in Stanytsia Luhanska.”
    “🇷🇺🇺🇦⚡The OSCE mission stated that yesterday it recorded 591 ceasefire violations in Donetsk region, 975 violations in Luhansk region, including 860 explosions”
    “🇪🇺🇷🇺🇺🇦 Apparently, the OSCE mission in Donbas is coming to an end. The European Society of the Blind loaded onto cars and went to the border with Russia on the “Uspenka”.
    The DPR confirmed that 43 OSCE vehicles with “personnel” are leaving the territory of the republic today”
    “- Russia asks the UN and the OSCE to force Kyiv to fulfill its humanitarian obligations in Kharkov;”
    “🇷🇺⚡ The activities of the OSCE mission in the DPR are declared illegal”
    “🇷🇺⚡An OSCE employee detained in the LPR admitted to passing classified information to foreign intelligence services, the Ministry of State Security of the republic reports.”
    “🇷🇺 The Ministry of State Security of the LPR found documents confirming the interaction of the OSCE SMM with the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine.
    Among other things, a “list of infrastructure facilities in the Luhansk region that may be subject to fire damage” was found, indicating their location.”
    Information was collected by the head of the OSCE Severodonetsk team, a citizen of Poland, Yaroslav Kurak. The order to start collecting information was given by Deputy Head of the OSCE Lugansk Human Rights Team Pilar Castro Moto, a Spanish citizen.”

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